Sunday, August 31, 2008

The first week of DH school has come and gone. I am sweetly surprised by the excitement I feel, to have this great oppurtunity to work and learn along side of these amazing and intellegent girls and under mentors of whom posess high expectations and goals for me, not to mention, I feel like I am going to finally love my subjects of study. Bring on week two!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I started classes yesterday and I'm already tired.  I've been told it gets better, so I really hope they're telling the truth. :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Last Time to Now

To make it short, Andy and I got married after a year and a half of dating, had a gorgeous wedding, three days later, moved to Boston for a summer job, played on the beaches and toured all the nearby towns during our time off. Very recently we moved back to Utah, we are looking for an apartment and are both extremely thrilled for me to start the dental hygiene program this year!