Wednesday, October 29, 2008

After class discussion yesterday I really did not want to get my teeth polished. I still do not feel good about it. Today was kind of awful. Scaling on the posteriors was more difficult that what I anticipated because my pt. had no calculus and the wrist motion is hard to perform when you have to extend the scaler back and keep you fingers toughing at the same time in order to get a good grip. The PE is due monday so I'll have to work on that over the weekend at home.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday clinic

Monday Clinic was great today. We passed off the anterior scaling PE and worked on the posteriors too. I really liked that we passed of the PE while practicing the skill for the day. My instructor was very helpful. I want to pass off two PE for next time.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wed Clinic Oct. 22, 2008 was fabulous. I passed off two PEs, the instrument identification and the adaptation pe. We scaled on the posterior teeth today. I'm going to need much more practice but it went well today. :)

Monday Oct 20, 2008

Last time in clinic we passed of dental screening and we worked on scalling the teeth. I'm pretty comfortable and liking the practice were getting. The only bad thing was I really got poked alot today. I want to pass of two PEs next time.

Monday Oct 20, 2008

Last time in clinic we practice scaling the anterior teeth. We past off the Dental Screening PE. I went very well. Next time I want to pass off two PEs if there is more time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wed Clinic

We had our first day of scaling today and to my great pleasure I felt good about the skill and my technique. We also passed off the probe pe and again, I felt really good about it, yes there's still a lot of room for improvement but now that I'm fix my instrument grasp I think that I'm adapting and my hand are becoming very comfortable in their position. :) Yea for me!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Oct. 13th

Clinic was really great today. I felt like I did pretty good. I'm patting my back right now. We completed our exploring PE and learned about the instruments. I really liked the feedback from my instructor and I figured out that I need to hold my instrument better with my thumb and index, instead of gripping with my middle and thumb.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


My next goal is to get that word out of my vocabulary, especially when I have an patient in my chair.:) There was too much plan for us today considering this is only our second time probing. Every chance to probe greatly helps and I hope we get much more chances to practice it before we move to far forward.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday clinic

I passed off the Intra oral PEs, which was my goal for the day and we also practiced disclosing today, with the purple dye as well as exploring again. Today was much smoother and relaxed. I felt a little more at ease about subgingival area. I really appreciate the one on one instruction I'm receiving.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wed Clinic

I'm in a hurry as always but today was fun and I learned a lot about my teeth we went over dental screening and I really like not doing anything subgingaly :) But I'll work on that. My next goal is to remember to log into my computer while I'm here because somehow I keep forgetting. I'll get here 5 minutes earlier that I have been and hopefully that will remind me.