Monday, November 24, 2008

Patient Day!!!!!

Okay so I didn't get very far in the Tx today, but what I was able do I felt very good about. The probing and dent and ohi were the 3 best parts because I was able to do them well. I'm wondering how I will ever get faster but I have to so this is where I need help. I did make a list of the whole process with reminders to help me get everything done in order which help a lot. Fitting in the xrays went pretty well ever though i had to take 2 retakes to get further back on the molars. Overall, I'm glad it's over :) and I'm glad it went as well as it did. I'm a little anxious to see my review but that's okay.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mock Patient Day #2

I really wasn't too nervous for clinic today until Mid way through my professor told me she was going to fail me because I didn't have the HHxRx signed off.  Somehow she had signed the HHx form but not the Tx Record at the same time.  I learned I have to be more observant about everything the instructors do and don't do.  I'm sure if I was in her shoes I'd probably make a couple mistakes too.  My goal is to right a list that will help me not forget anything during clinic on Monday.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mock Patient Day

I was the patient today and glad to be. I realize we practiced all these same skills on the last mock patient day but for some reason I think today and wednesday will be more stressful. It was great to be observing it all. My goal is to stay on schedule on wednesday. The end. goodbye. I hope nobody reads my blog, it's not too exciting to people outside of Dental Hygiene and maybe not even to those within the program. Hah!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today we past off three PEs. Two of which we learned last clinic period. I don't think we had enough practice with the sealents and the air powder polisher to passing them off. On top of that my instructor told me that I was dangerous with the airpowder because I forgot to lift up completely on the pedal before taking it out of the mouth. Thanks, that was a nice way of putting it, not really. It really wasn't that bad and I already learned my lesson the second that I did it, so I didn't need her to threaten me about not passing off my PE because of it. I guess I'm just being sensitive but I don't think she was taking into consideration the lack of time we were given to practice it, and for that reason I feel like I did really well today.


Monday was the first time we used air polishers and I really hated the experience. Come to find out, we had the powder setting to high and we were hurting ourselves. We also practice sealances for the first time.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wed Nov 5th

On Wednesday, Kim and I switched position and I got to be the patient all period. It was great. I just sat back and relaxed. Kim was really great at all the procedures and made me feel very comfortable in her chair. I could enjoy doing that again. Also it was nice to review the process as she performed it.

Monday Nov 3rd

Last monday I was the operator, Kim Swift was the patient. It was a lot of fun, we were able to work on one quad all the way through. We passed of the polishing and scaling PE and I also passed of the camera PE. It was interesting to see the whole process together and was a great learning experience. It took me the entire clinic period to work on one quad so next time my goal is to finish 2 quads in the same amount of time.