Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today went really well with my patient. I had a family member come which is always fun. We did have a couple of complications that slowed the process down. I'm not sure how much to explain a public blog but nothing serious just slight complication that couldn't have been forseen. I really dislike how fast everything gets towards the end of the apt. I don't like making them feel rushed or awkward so I'm going to try and keep track of my minutes in the future.


I am loving working on my friends and family. They're very patient and kind and helpful at telling what is good and not so good. Today my patient was partially a class two which will be a great experience once I get to scale their teeth next month. I felt like I went at a good pace today and was effective with my skills and techniques

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2nd patient day

Andy came in for a second time and I finished treatment today.  Scaling went really well and I was really thankful for the practice and a very understanding patient.   The second half of the treatment plan flowed much better than the first part.  My goal for Monday is to have a patient :) and to remember each step of the process so that the process will speed up.

Semester 2

Jan 5th we spent our clinic day learning about the Gracey instruments and Ultrasonics.  I am really glad that we learned how to use the ultrasonic instruments now instead of half way through the semester. I imagine that I will use them frequently.