Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday 23

Learning to scale and clean teeth has been and continues to be a overwhelming task. Fortunately the challenges that have terrified me in the past are slowly becoming comfortable and promising. There is a light in my tunnel and it's getting brighter. Though I find myself aching for the time to quickly past me by, I realize that these precious moments of tutelage most likely may never to be experienced again.

Monday, February 9, 2009

More Slow days

Sadly my routine appointments are not so routine.  I've got to start scheduling only patients that can come for the entire apointment.  Also, it seems like lots of my patients should be class 2s but only 1 1/2 have been.  It would be nice to only have the easy 1B patients if they all have to be 1Bs.  Goals:.....organization, PEs, increasing pace.  On the positive side, at least I am happy to be there and like what I am doing, especially now that the instructors are more constructive in their criticism.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4

Today was another wednesday and time flies by on wednesdays. I didn't finish scaling my patient today but I was able to do good work on the quads that I scalled. Debridement was intense today. It was amazing how much I was pulling off. Also I practiced using my ultrasonic for the first time. And I really didn't feel like it worked very well. Hopefully I'll improve on that because everyone else says it is better. Also my patient is doing excellent on OH so there were a couple great points.

February 2

Today was difficult. After have patients with such tenacious calculus it was confusing to have one with tons of bleeding and plaque but almost no calculus. I spent too long on areas that had not calculus because I didn't know for sure, why else would they bleed so much. Well I learned that bleeding doesn't necessarly mean there's calculus. Also another great thing is that I practiced using my explorer much more that I had been using it. I was able to get interproximally and recognize almost every spot of calculus. It was a great learning experiences and a really good day in the clinic. Probably one of the two bests!

January 28

Today my clinic experiences went well, I'm improving my time on probing. I am really happy to have such great patients who show up and are reliable. I'll continue crossing my fingers. My patient couldn't come until 9 so I didn't finish him on time but it wasn't too much later. OHI session was great. My patient is very responsive.

Jan 26th

Today I had a patient with great calculus not that calculus is great, just that today for the first time, I was able to see it and remove it and then double check by illuminating his teeth with my mirror. It was neat, when lighting the teeth it appeared as dark gray spots. My patient was great. Processing the paper work is still a little frustrating, but all in all it went well.