Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sealant Day

I absolutely love sealant days, even the time we had a  "critter" scare.

Monday, January 25, 2010

La semana increible

No puedo decir todo que quiero pero no puedo creer todo que esta pasando. Hay tantas trajedias pasando en el mundo ahora.  Hay el terremoto de haiti, la avalancha de la cuenca de nieve que mato a un vecino, y hay un asesinato cada dia.  Parece que el mundo va a terminar muy pronto.  Si podria cambiar algo de la semana pasada seria el tiempo que he perdido.  

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Last night I had a melt down. Something to do with having a baby that is out of her routine because she has had too many different babysitters who are not keeping her on her nap schedule....and I am terrified about not finding the right board patient so therefore I am going to fail, why don't I just quit right now.....I want to just stay home and be with Abigail. Mostly I was just too tired.
Now after completing a full day of clinic and having a class 4 exam and 12 x-rays, a PE, and some real quality instruction from a teacher... I am feeling much better. I will make it happen and I am not going to fail!!!!! I will not fail, I will not fail, I will not fail!