Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday Clinic

Monday clinic: My goal today was to pass off both the extra oral exam PE and the mirror fulcrum PE.  We did not have time to do both after the probing and charting the intra oral exams.  I was completely prepared for clinic today and ready to practice probing.  Unfortunately I got really nervous and shaky at the last minute and struggle probing the gums.  I guess I'm just shock that I'm already being allowed to poke my clinic partners in the mouth, isn't there a dexter that could help me learn just as effectively?  I guess not but hopefully the skill will get easier in the near future.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I practiced probing on Katie today. Everything went well, the only rough part was trying to angle the probe correctly using indirect vision. I'll have to take home the probe and mirror and practice on my husband. He's going to hate it. :) My instructments got lost somewhere and I've searched everwhere maybe I'll have to send everyone a note to help me find them. I passed off the Vital Stats. PE I felt really good about the process of it all but there's always room for more practice. My pod partners really need to calm down :)

Monday, September 22, 2008


Kara was nice enough to let me work in her mouth today with the explorer.  Once again, Clinic today was educational, interesting, challenging and frustrating.  Today, above all other days was the most frustrating, partially because of misunderstandings and time constraints but still I was allowed to finish my PEs and observations assessments. 
I'll have to set a goal to memorize the PEs before clinic.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I passed of the position PE this morning and learning all about grasping the probes and using the right grip and posture. I really like my instructors today and feel like they are here to help and not only criticize my mistakes.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Intra oral exams

Today was interesting since I've always been self conscious of my geographic tongue.. oh and to spread the sunshine it's also a fissure tongue. Hooray for me I get to be the special ginnipig. Although I feel a little awkward about the PEs it seems like all the info is coming together in my mind.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In clinic today we covered the extra oral exam and practiced using the mirror instruments. It took a little time to get use to using the year and I'll definitely have practice drawing backwards with a mirror to get use to indirect vision. All in all clinic is really fun.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Clinic is my favorite part about DH so far. I love putting the lectures into practice. I feel like we are covering a lot of the basic initial instructions and progressing quickly. It's great!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Clinic was great today. I passed off two PE and learned a few extra points and quick steps about the Eaglesoft program that I didn't know before.