Sunday, September 27, 2009

Okay so the pictures don't give the greatest depiction of our first injections but some how I loved it.  It was fun and surprisingly easy.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

So we had our first injections and I absolutely loved it.  It couldn't have gone better.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


So clinic is going pretty well so far.  I love the VA and I have had great patients at WSU so far.  They've all been very dependable.  Local anethesia labs start next week.  I am not sure what to think.  we are going to be practicing on each other?? really??  Well I watched the Malamed video but that's all...I hope that's enough.

Friday, September 18, 2009

This last week

This last week I saw green and blue calculus. I got in trouble for taking a parking pass. I finished every patient in one appointment. I re-wrote my powerpoint for ADHP, created a survey, and presented our project at UDHA. I recieved 9 or of 10 on my readiness assessment. I attended an actual party with my hygiene friends. I found out that the new hygiene school in orem is ran by dentists who want to creat a new profession of scaling assistants who would be allowed to scale 1mm deep. Who would regulate that? Let's just say goodbye to our careers b/c who would pay a hygienist when an assistant would do the same job for less. I woke up at 5am everyday on average this week and went to bed at 10 and 11:00. I did not ride my bike to school but I went on a speed walk with my mom and little Abby in the stroller. She slept the whole time. I decided I am buying loops from peri-optic but I will probably wait until January. I took a lot of pictures in Park City and had entertaining chats with all of the girls at our sleepover. Dancing is not our specialty. I haven't seen Andy for four days and I am hoping I will get some sleep tonight. Well anyway...I just thought I would write something... though it is really not much, and hardly descriptive.  Videos: My favorite was the old man dance. Just tilt your head.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The VA

Today was my first day at the VA hospital in SLC.  It is huge and beautiful and I went to lunch with my professor. That was a first. She is already my favorite.  
I am not sure how I feel about the VA's lead hygienist...she already seems irritated with me and I don't know why. It was my first day. ??