Friday, September 18, 2009

This last week

This last week I saw green and blue calculus. I got in trouble for taking a parking pass. I finished every patient in one appointment. I re-wrote my powerpoint for ADHP, created a survey, and presented our project at UDHA. I recieved 9 or of 10 on my readiness assessment. I attended an actual party with my hygiene friends. I found out that the new hygiene school in orem is ran by dentists who want to creat a new profession of scaling assistants who would be allowed to scale 1mm deep. Who would regulate that? Let's just say goodbye to our careers b/c who would pay a hygienist when an assistant would do the same job for less. I woke up at 5am everyday on average this week and went to bed at 10 and 11:00. I did not ride my bike to school but I went on a speed walk with my mom and little Abby in the stroller. She slept the whole time. I decided I am buying loops from peri-optic but I will probably wait until January. I took a lot of pictures in Park City and had entertaining chats with all of the girls at our sleepover. Dancing is not our specialty. I haven't seen Andy for four days and I am hoping I will get some sleep tonight. Well anyway...I just thought I would write something... though it is really not much, and hardly descriptive.  Videos: My favorite was the old man dance. Just tilt your head.

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