Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Festivities

The professors didn't include themselves in the costume contest but at the Queen of Hearts and Alice both deserve the greatest entertainers' award (at the very least).  With their permission videos will be posted shortly.





Thursday, October 22, 2009


Outside of the DH program, I am only taking one additional class this semester and it is Stats. Stat's is easier than I expected I should have taken it before I got accepted to dental hygiene but I just didn't know if it would be too hard at that point. This year has been so much more fun and a lot less nerve racking. Of course there have been challenges with mock boards and some of the new information we are learning but really I think all of us feel like 2nd year is so much more rewarding. I am finally feeling like I know what I am doing and on top of that... I am having fun.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I get so excited about writing on my personal blog that I forget about this blog too much. I better get on top of that... right Kami:)? I love the VA hospital. I am sure all of the students agree with me. They built a new facility last year and our class is the first to be working in it's new and clean and because there is only 4 other students there with me at a time, I get a lot of one on one time plus I really like being chairside while the dentists do the examinations. I was going to say that I see a lot of challenging patients at the VA but actually so far my most challenging have come in to the WSU clinic which is unexpected b/c last year I struggled to find a difficult pt at clinic. Well the sememster is coming to an end pretty soon and I am getting more anxious about boards b/c they are only 4 months away and December doesn't really count for practice time. My goal is to review all of my past exams, quizzes, modules for both years by the end of December. I am not sure if that is enough and I don't have a board review book yet so if you are reading this by chance :) let me know if any of you have any more suggestions. Another goal I have is to get the first draft of my resume completed by the end of December. Also I don't have loops yet....if I get them from Perio-optic they don't give student discounts. I think I am going to have to wait until I graduate because board money is due in January. Well there goes our Christmas....I guess I should tell Andy about that. ha ha a aaa ah uh.
Okay welllll until next time.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct 13

MockBoards were in October but I decided I wanted to blog about them.  I had one perfect patient lined up for mockboards and at the last minute I called two more potential mockboard patients because I was worried that he might not show up.  It turns out he didn't show up and the 1st backup patient decided she couldn't make it either.  Finally the 2nd backup patient came in.  He was one of my favorite people I have had in the clinic. He speaks a little english and he ended up being way to difficult for a board patient so of course I failed my mockboards but he's coming back and I think we'll both be surprised by how much better and easier the next cleaning will be.