Friday, October 16, 2009


I get so excited about writing on my personal blog that I forget about this blog too much. I better get on top of that... right Kami:)? I love the VA hospital. I am sure all of the students agree with me. They built a new facility last year and our class is the first to be working in it's new and clean and because there is only 4 other students there with me at a time, I get a lot of one on one time plus I really like being chairside while the dentists do the examinations. I was going to say that I see a lot of challenging patients at the VA but actually so far my most challenging have come in to the WSU clinic which is unexpected b/c last year I struggled to find a difficult pt at clinic. Well the sememster is coming to an end pretty soon and I am getting more anxious about boards b/c they are only 4 months away and December doesn't really count for practice time. My goal is to review all of my past exams, quizzes, modules for both years by the end of December. I am not sure if that is enough and I don't have a board review book yet so if you are reading this by chance :) let me know if any of you have any more suggestions. Another goal I have is to get the first draft of my resume completed by the end of December. Also I don't have loops yet....if I get them from Perio-optic they don't give student discounts. I think I am going to have to wait until I graduate because board money is due in January. Well there goes our Christmas....I guess I should tell Andy about that. ha ha a aaa ah uh.
Okay welllll until next time.

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