Sunday, November 22, 2009


The semester is ending quickly and boards are coming up in March. "Somewhere" I have heard that if you are prepared you will have no fear but.... because I have never before taken even one exam let alone THREE exams that are so detrimental to my education, career, life, etc., I am fearful.  I am anxious, nauseous, worried and scared.   The worst part about it is that I know I could work harder at my studies but I don't because I am either too confident in my abilities or too distracted by everyday wants and needs.  
Well I don't have a great solution but I guess I am just going to have to start now and take one day at a time.  I have 108 days to get myself prepared.  I have even fewer days to be taught everything I need to know.  And for the first time last Tuesday I felt like a professor finally showed me what I have to do to clean a 3 or 4, aka a challenging patient.  That was the first time....from here on, I am going to have to demand more attention because none of them realize how little instruction I have received.

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